Wednesday thru Friday 10 AM -1 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 12 PM
or by appointment
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itchin' to be stitchin' ...
mantra echoed by projects this past week in the frame shop
Several customers have been in the stitching mood as of late, and I have the evidence to prove it.
This little fellow eagerly awaits a change in climate so he can adorn a wall through the winter months. Stitched by Colleen, the workmanship is impeccable.
But how about that frame? Wish I could tell you that the handiwork work on this handmade/ painted frame was me; but alas, it was not. For special projects and patterns, she special orders these uniquely designed folkart frames. Hope you can see the little squares painted as a border around the inner edge of the frame. And look carefully at this little guy’s arm; a snowflake charm dangles from his little hand; one is also attached to his waist.
He was a little tricky to stretch because the top of his head had to meet up his top hat, yet not be covered. It’s such a perfect little piece.
This poker project is also a fun piece. Five charms - one on each card - dangle from the cards.
I know it’s difficult to see because it is so dark, but look carefully at this frame, too. Not only do poker chips appear in the upper corner, but little squares adorn the inside edge of this hunter-green frame.

how I do it.

Customers always ask me how I stretch counted cross-stitch pieces. Personally, I like to use the lacing method. The fabric is placed onto a piece of acid-free foamboard that has been cut to a predetermined size. The fabric is folded over and the lacing begins. I attach one side of the fabric to the next by sewing long stitches back and forth. Turn the board 90 degrees and do the same with the next side.
I ask you to note two things: first, if the cross-stitching has not been centered on the fabric when stitched, there may be more fabric on one side than the other, as you can see here.
The fabric is wider on the left than on the right; and deeper on the bottom than on the top; rest assured, the image is centered on the front.
Secondly, my stitches are staggered and are not in a completely straight line. I do that purposely because I have been taught in professional framing classes that staggering stitches places less stress on the fabric itself. You will see this particular completed item next time. I have lots more stitching projects to share.