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Album of 2019 Event Memories

Friday Evening with Pat

We all had such fun . . . We had a great time, here are a few of the photos people have shared with us from the event Sept. 27th and 28th at The Art Loft Gallery, Ltd. 

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Our event Friday evening was from 6:00 p.m. til 8:00 p.m.  We had guests from everywhere including Iowa; Missouri; Springfield, Carlyle, and Quincy, Illinois; Indiana, and even Tennessee. Wow! 

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Sharon worked diligently at putting stickers on artwork brought in for Pat to sign. She and her husband, Dr J have been collecting for years. 


Joyce was a great help writing orders. Thank You!

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Paul having a great time visiting with guests.

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It was so wonderful to see so many having a good time as they visit with Pat.

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Kevin visits with two P Buckley Moss fans.

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Carolyn and guests admire the framing specials of the "Stan Musial 'Stan Span' Veterans Memorial Bridge" and "Twilight on the Riverbank." 

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Pat loves sharing memories and stories with guests. Mary visits with pat. She shared a photo with Pat of a raccoon that was taken by her sister Kathy. Kathy who recently passed away loved Pat's work, especially beach and water scenes.

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Select just the right mats and the perfect frame . . .

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Leah was trying to decide on an ornament. Rick and Sharon are waiting to see Pat.

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My wonderful helpers, Debbie and her sister Connie, who has worked almost all of the shows with her husband Dan. 

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Pat just posted this photo in her weekly newsletter ~ A big thank you to everyone who came and made this show so exceptional.

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Debbie was in charge of ornaments. Kathy from Carlyle was checking out the bin of prints.

Carolyn and guest with Alone on a Slope.

Peeking through the window into the parlor where Pat signs and visits with everyone.

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Sandy and her friend traveled from Iowa to sell raffle tickets for the quilt that was made for the P Buckley Moss Foundaton for Children's Education raffle quilt - information:


Simply beautiful quilt to behold! The P Buckley Moss Foundation for Children's Education is raffling the quilt to raise money for their programs such as scholarships.

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A close examination of the splendid quilt for the raffle. Exquisite!

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Could that be Cindy and Lois in the carriage house?

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Yep, that is Cindy and Lois helping out in the carriage house. 

Our cupboard in the carriage house awaits the goodies and refreshments.


Cupcakes, the art you can eat! 

The carriage house is ready . . . Thanks Rachel and all who helped out!

Pat signs Blessed Peace with Sharon Lee

Pat signs "Blessed Peace" with Sharon and Rick. It will be hung in the Siteman Cancer Care St Peters Missouri for patients to enjoy during treatments. 

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The large "Blessed Peace" was signed on the glass by Pat. The framed print has been given to Siteman Cancer Center- St. Peter’s, MO where it will hang in the treatment area.

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Pat, Sharon and Rick pose with the signed "Blessed Peace" 

Saturday Fun with Pat

Wonderful memories were created . . .

Thanks so much to Ed, Janet and Melissa for the photos.

And thanks to Tim and Marybeth. What a beautiful story!


We'd love to add more photos from the event, please send them to me!

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Ed, Pat, and Janet show off their signed treasure, Ed and Janet drove in from Smithton for our event!

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Pat signs "The Good Witch" for a fan.

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Melissa and Pat admire this framing. The only thing better than one print is two prints framed together.

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Melissa, Leah and Pat having a grand time.

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Leah with Pat.

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Pat with Lauren.

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Pat signs the "Spirit of Service" for Melissa to give to her daughter. Her husband was in the military but recently passed away. What a wonderful remembrance for his daughter.


As a surprise Tim bought Mary Beth an anniversary print.

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They had Pat personalize it for their special day.

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Those are tears of joy shed by Mary Beth. What a great husband!

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Pat signs an autumn favorite.


Pat had a surprise visit from Judy Cary’s brother and wife. Many of you remember Judy and what a positive force she was with the Moss Society. She was a wonderful friend to Pat.

 Copyright 2015 ~ 2024

The Art Loft Gallery, Ltd.

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