Wednesday thru Friday 10 AM -1 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 12 PM
or by appointment
Circus Fun
Click art images below for information on each piece.
A Day at the Circus
'Tis summertime in the Midwest,
let's venture out to explore summer's best . . .
"The Popcorn Wagon" is our first stop,
as we visit the circus, à la P Buckley Moss . . .
It's okay to be "Clowning Around"
'cause we're out to have some summer fun!
Look! Over there, what do you see?
A little girl on an "Elephant Ride" with teddy . . .
A group of children skip and dance,
with flags and balloons they surely prance . . .
For eveyone knows, there's nothing better,
than a "Holiday Parade" what a treasure!
Look over there; what do I see?
Everyone's gathered around,
What could it be?
A juggling "Red Clown" on a unicycle,
Look at that smile on little Michael!
Then to his amazement his eyes widen more,
"The Juggler" enters the big tent juggling balls galore!
Hope you enjoyed our "Circus Ride"
next stop, magical carousels right outside . . .
Carousels and Zoos
Over there we see "The Carousel Queen"
going round and round on her mighty steed . . .
Next stop is "Celebration Square Carousel"
where we take a moment to sit a spell . . .
Gaze with wonder at the "Story City Carousel"
what a story these ponies and chickies do tell . . .
So many animals, including a kangaroo,
when we visit "Blank Park Zoo" . . .
Our tour is now complete my dear,
with a grand finale ride ~
"Carousel Whimsey at Lancaster"
Balloons Take Us Away
A "Festival of Flight" thrills us so,
colorful balloons soar above, some even glow . . .
Or a country "Spring Ride" takes us far,
where balloons in the air touch the stars . . .
"Chautaqua Festival" is where people engage,
in entertainment on a folksy stage . . .
"Jammin' on Piedmont" for amusements a plenty,
music and more for all to see . . .
"Rainbow Ride" concludes our journey,
of summertime fun oh so worthy!