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Frog Dreams

happy, hoppy ribbiters . . .


Click art images below for information on each piece.

Ribbiting Poem and Frog Verse

The Frog

by Robert Frost

Be kind and tender to the Frog,
And do not call him names,
As "Slimy skin," or "Polly-wog,"
Or likewise "Ugly James,"
Or "Gap-a-grin," or "Toad-gone-wrong,"
Or "Bill Bandy-knees":
The Frog is justly sensitive
To epithets like these.

No animal will more repay
A treatment kind and fair;
At least so lonely people say
Who keep a frog (and, by the way,
They are extremely rare).

My "Woodland Friends" are

hoppers true;

Bringing to me

a smile or two . . .

Woodland Friends.jpg
Green Eyes Framed.jpg

Their "Green Eyes"  

peer up at me; 

some from pond, meadow,

or tree . . .

"Hang in There" and

you will find,

froggy creatures are 

extremely kind . . .

Hang in There Framed.jpg
Hiding In Plain Sight Framed.jpg

Look closely

'neath every leaf; 

for "Hiding in Plain Sight" 

you may find

a frog family . . .

A handsome fellow

upon a lily pad is fond;

of being

"Afloat on a Pond" . . .

Afloat on a Pond Framed.jpg
Just Chillin Framed.jpg

"Just Chillin'" is what

I love to do;

like happy red frogs,

me and you . . .

"Leap Frogs" is quite a 


colorful hoppers are

really keen . . .

Leap Frogs Framed.jpg
A Tad Bit of Green framed.jpg

"A Tad Bit of Green"

frog smiles from

ear to ear;

this frog has

nary a care . . .

A "Froggy's Dinner" is

yummy to him;

he'll soon be filled

to the brim.

Froggy's Dinner Framed.jpg

Hope my froggy friends brought some joy to your heart,

I know Pat smiled as she created this happy art!

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