Wednesday thru Friday 10 AM -1 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 12 PM
or by appointment
three geese ...
symbolic of ~
teamwork, fellowship, communication ...

Limited editions, artist proofs and Giclée

Autumn at the Moss Barn
Issued in 2003
IS: 7 x 20-1/2 ins.
PS: 9 x 22-1/2 ins.
Edition: 1,000 and 25 artist's proofs

Geese are confident and brave navigators and instinctively know the way across the long haul to warmer climates and return home with ease.

Evening Congregation
Issued in 1990
IS: 4-5/8 x 10-1/4 ins.
PS: 9-5/8 x 15-1/4 ins.
Edition: 1,000 and 25 artist's proofs
Artist Proof
Regular editon no longer available.
Geese are fiercely protective of their young, known to attack would-be predators. They do not leave their young until they are ready to fly which can be a period of two to three months.
Flying Free
Issued in 2007
IS: 9-3/4 x 22-5/16 ins.
PS: 11-3/4 x 24-5/16 ins.
Edition: 1,000 and 25 artist's proofs

Geese have intricate methods of communication with the ability to sense when their brethren are in trouble as well as work as a team to communicate warnings and location of prime landing and feeding sites.

Geese At Sunrise
Issued in 1999
IS: 16-3/8 x 35-7/8 ins.
PS: 18-3/8 x 37-7/8 ins.
Edition: 500 and 25 artist's proofs
Artist Proof
Regular edition no longer available.
Molting season runs from early June to late July.
Adult geese lose wing feathers during this time and are unable to fly.
Geese can fly again approximately 6 weeks after molting.
Generally by August all geese are able to fly.
During the molt geese need to be near water (any water) for easy escape from predators.
Ladies Outing
Issued in 1994
IS: 4-3/8 x 8-7/8 ins.
PS: 6-3/8 x 10-7/8 ins.
Edition: 1,000 and 25 artist's proofs
Artist Proof
Regular edition no longer available.

Our Song of Spring
Issued in 2007
IS: 37 x 12-1/2 ins.
PS: 39 x 14-1/2 ins.
Edition: 500 and 25 artist's proofs
Peace in the Valley
Issued in 2012
Giclee on paper
IS: 8-3/4 x 17-1/4 ins.
Edition: 250 and 25 artist's proofs

The Champions
Issued in 1987
IS: 7 x 18-7/8 ins.
PS: 9 x 20-7/8 ins.
Edition: 1,000 and 25 artist's proofs
Artist Proof
Regular Edition no longer available.
Vigilant Trio
Issued in 2009
Giclee on paper
IS: 6-1/8 x 10-1/8 ins.
Edition: 250 and 25 artist's proofs

Issued in 1997
IS: 8-3/8 x 17-1/2 ins.
PS: 10-3/8 x 19-1/2 ins.
Edition: 1,000 and 25 artist's proofs
Artist Proof
Regular Edition no longer available.
Migration season is October through March.
Migratory geese flight range can be 2 – 3 thousand miles.
Migratory geese do not become resident geese unless they are
injured. -
Resident geese do not know how to migrate.
Resident geese can fly long distances as their migratory cousins, but generally have learned that it is not necessary.
Generally, during this time (from end of molt to beginning to mating) resident geese will be "pond hopping" and foraging to find food, water and safety. Migratory geese will "pond hop" and forage during this sam period until their migration habits take them back north for mating.

Morning At The Mill
Issued in 1998
IS: 4/3/8 x 6-1/8 ins.
PS: 8 x 10-1/4 ins.
Edition: 1,000 and 25 artist's proofs