Wednesday thru Friday 10 AM -1 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 12 PM
or by appointment
New Releases
January 2023-1
"I pray this winter be gentle and kind--a season of rest from the wheel of the mind. "
~ John Geddes
art by

Click art images below for information on each piece.
Nature is Wondrous
"In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy."
~ William Blake
A "Blue Ridge Winter"
is a welcome sight,
snuggling cardinals refrain from flight;
Drifts of snow keep us still,
as we gaze upon the warm cabin
atop the hill . . .
"Song of the Heart"
makes my heart flutter,
Love birds embraced
imagine the romantic words
of passion they utter . . .
"Unbridled Joy"
lights on a sprig;
His song welcomes spring
and the new life blossoms
on each twig . . .
The "Stately Presence"
of this bold beauty,
a reminder to those
with a patriotic duty . . .
Deeply hidden in wooded brush,
quiet and cunning, seeking their bounty;
Playful and resilient are the
"Little Foxes of Delaware County" . . .
The folks of the
"Buckeye State of Ohio,"
applaud like thunder;
for the birthplace of aviation
and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame,
are a few of its many wonders . . .
A "Cool Morning Ride"
through drifts of snow;
A crisp breeze and frisky horse
give my cheeks a rosey glow . . .
"Happy in the Hyacinth"
this baby laughs and smiles;
A basket filled with love,
let's enjoy the spring for a while . . .
"Under Time's Spell"
we fall each year,
as each glorious season
magically appears . . .
"Washed by the Season"
every color explodes,
as sunlight hits the day
filled with pinks, greens and golds . . .
A "Blue Ridge Summer"
fills the air,
With floral scents and
pine so pure . . .
"Call of the Morn"
the rooster crows,
He's bold and courageous,
rather cocky, don't ya know . . .
The "Ever Present I and II"
are a cardinal pair
ever true . . .
A "Field of Sunshine"
is a staff favorite;
The colors of summer
against and azure haze . . .
"Love's Promise"
is like a fairyland drive;
Horse, carriage, and two lovers
filled with joy to be alive.