Wednesday thru Friday 10 AM -1 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 12 PM
or by appointment
Sharing Laughter and Love
New Releases 2020~4
"Happiness is only real when shared."
~ Christopher McCandless
"At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities."
~ Jean Houston
"Life is short. Kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly" ~ Paulo Coelho
~ Paulo Coelho

Click art images below for information on each piece.
Share the Laughter ~ Love One Another Greatly
I decided to spend
"A Day with My Friend"
riding off into the hills . . .
"An adventure together
is such a thrill . . .
Happy times spent sailing
along cayes by the sea
are such a very
sweet memory . . .
Grains 'tween my toes
and shovel in hand,
with "The Red Pail"
I build castles of sand . . .
Next stop is the 18th century
"Poplar Grove Tide Mill" . . .
Where the tides moved that
creaky ole paddle wheel . . .
Drift back with a
schooner as your guide,
Walk rustic planks
and mossy rocks;
hear the lapping tide . . .
"Our Best Friend"
is a Sheltie dog . . .
Originating in Lerwick of
the Shetland islands
in grand old Scotland . . .
A herder at heart,
tried and true,
1908 is when
this breed began . . .
A "Curious Visitor"
sang a magical thrasher's song;
I'm thrilled he came along . . .
Did you know each has
their own unique melody?
Some even have a
repertoire of over fifty . . .
I see one, No, Two!
No! there's more than three . . .
"Pure Prowess"
describes the antics of
all these kitties . . .
They stalk and play,
bounce and pounce,
twenty kitties is
what I counts . . .
"Uh Oh!" here's a
sweet little pup . . .
Is he up to trouble;
has he been caught?
"The Glance" we got
from that cat
in the flowers . . .
Purrfectly conveyed
a feline's magical powers.
I hope you enjoyed our country ride and share some laughter and love by my side.
Click any image below to view full tearsheet 2020-4
Sharing Laughter and Love PDF ~
"For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it."
~ Ivan Panin