a warriors game ... really?
who'd have known ...
born from the horsemen hone ~
of skills for battle ...
could become a most treasured art for chattel ~

Fascinating history of the carousel from the International Museum of Carousel Art ~
"Back in the 1100's, Arabian and Turkish horsemen played a game on horseback. They took it very seriously... so seriously that Italian and Spanish crusaders who watched, described the contest as a "little war" or garosello and carosella respectively.
The crusaders brought the game back to Europe where it became, in time, an extravagant display of horsemanship and finery that the French called carrousel.
A major event of the carrousel was the ring-spearing tournament in which a man would ride his horse or chariot full tilt, lance in hand, toward a small ring hanging from a tree limb or pole by brightly colored ribbons. The object, of course, was to spear the ring."
More tomorrow ...

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