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a warriors game ... really? ~ Part 2

leave it to the French to add the flare ...

carved horses and chariots suspended in the air ~

spear the ring the nobleman's game ...

around and round they would train ~


We continue the fascinating history of the carousel from the International Museum of Carousel Art ~

"About 300 years ago, some frenchman got the idea to build a device to train young noblemen in the art of ring-spearing. His device consisted of carved horses and chariots suspended by chains from arms radiating from a centerpole. This was probably the beginning of the carousel as we have come to know it.

By the late 1700's, there were numerous carousels built solely for amusement scattered throughout Europe. They were small and light.. . their size and weight limited by what could readily be move by man, mule, or horsepower.

These limitations were removed with the invention of the steam engine.When the power of steam was applied to carousels, the elaborate machines we think of became possible

.Gustav Dentzel was the man who pioneered the modern carousel in America ... in the 1860's. Many talented men followed his lead and their creations became the centerpiece of hundreds of amusement parks that sprung up in the cities and resorts of the United States."

Tomorrow, the rest of the story ...

The Art Loft Gallery, LTD., a locally owned and operated business in Collinsville, Illinois, has been open since 1984. In addition to offering custom picture framing services, The Art Loft Gallery, LTD. is an authorized dealer for renowned artist, Patricia Buckley Moss, and also has a wide variety of antiques and giftware for sale. Come in for a unique shopping experience and enjoy a cup of Starbucks and a cookie while you shop. Contact Us

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