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the valley ...

where lovers share memories ~

in the e'er lasting snow ...

O Cool Is The Valley Now
James Joyce

O cool is the valley now

And there, love, will we go

For many a choir is singing now

Where Love did sometime go.

And hear you not the thrushes calling,

Calling us away?

O cool and pleasant is the valley

And there, love, will we stay.

Though the weatherman is predicting spring-like weather this weekend, I am still into winter-scapes. "Valley Memories" is a very interesting piece, and I want to share with you some of what I see. For me, my eye is immediately drawn to the pond, which is an almond shape, much like the shape of an eye; a pond frozen, yet still a reflecting pool, not only mirroring the house, trees and sky, but a bit of the barn as well.

I see the pond as a looking glass, allowing me to reflect upon a family's life: their day to day living; eating, sleeping, laughing, sharing. I see a bit of the barn, and in my mind's eye I think of the hard work this family has performed, and the satisfaction they have from jobs well done.

Within the image are the geese, certainly not reflected in anyway; but there, standing in the foreground - watching, looking, seeing - committed to one another; unafraid, perhaps even satisfied.

And then my eye takes in the entire image. I notice the house and I see what's not there: no shadows - no roofline - no door. Nothing foreboding. Without a door, nothing bad is to enter this place; without a roof, this house can be located anywhere, in any period of time.

Though this is just some of what I see, I cannot help but wonder: what do you see when you reflect upon "Valley Memories" ?

Enjoy the read and James Joyce's words as he calls us to the valley.

The Art Loft Gallery, LTD., a locally owned and operated business in Collinsville, Illinois, has been open since 1984. In addition to offering custom picture framing services, The Art Loft Gallery, LTD. is an authorized dealer for renowned artist, Patricia Buckley Moss, and also has a wide variety of antiques and giftware for sale. Come in for a unique shopping experience and enjoy a cup of Starbucks and a cookie while you shop. Contact Us


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